Family Violence

Family violence in Victoria refers to any behaviour that occurs within a family or domestic relationship that causes another person to feel fear or be controlled, coerced, or threatened. It can be physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, or financial abuse, as well as behaviour that causes a child to hear or witness such abuse.
Family violence intervention orders are legal orders issued by the court to protect individuals who are or have been in a family or domestic relationship and are experiencing or at risk of family violence. These orders aim to ensure the safety and well-being of the affected person and any children involved.

Types of Family Relationships Covered

Family violence intervention orders in Victoria can be sought by individuals who are or have been in various types of family relationships, including :

a. Spouses or married partners.

b. De facto partners (including same-sex couples).

c. Former spouses or partners.

d. Parents and children (including step-parents and step-children).

e. Siblings and other family members.

Family Violence Support Services

Various support services are available in Victoria to assist individuals experiencing family violence. These services may include :

a. Family violence support hotlines : These helplines provide immediate support, advice, and referral to appropriate services.

b. Domestic violence shelters : Shelters offer safe accommodation and support for individuals and children fleeing family violence.

c. Counselling services : Professional counsellors can provide emotional support, safety planning, and assistance in navigating the legal process.

d. Legal services : Law firms and community legal centres can provide legal advice, representation, and assistance with obtaining intervention orders and other legal remedies. 

Reporting Family Violence

If you or someone you know is experiencing family violence, it is important to ensure safety and consider reporting the abuse to the police. The police can assist in seeking an intervention order and provide immediate protection if necessary. Reporting family violence is an important step in breaking the cycle of abuse and accessing support.

It is essential to consult with a qualified legal professional to receive accurate advice based on the specific circumstances of your case and any recent changes in legislation or court practices regarding family violence in Victoria.

Additionally, accessing support from family violence support services can provide vital assistance during this challenging time.

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